Green Tech South West

Green Tech South West
Green Tech South West Logo

I have added Green Tech South West to the "Bristol People Posts" section on BU.

With over 2,400 members we think we might be on to something…
When we started out, we were pretty sure there were lots of other people in the region who wanted to learn more about how technology can be harnessed to heal, or sadly damage our world. But there didn’t seem to be a single place where you could meet other like-minded individuals with a focus on taking climate action using technology.
Our vision was, and remains, to create a consistently, friendly community with curated events to deliver expertise on the most relevant topics to help drive climate action using different types of tech. We have a focus on digital technologies, but we’ve also covered things like mobility, energy sources such as hydrogen and Bristol’s decarbonisation plan, City Leap.

Thanks to Oliver Cronk for the recommendation.